PowerBoost™ Mulch
A special blend of compost and shredded wood waste. A beneficial microorganism inoculation that detains sediment, absorbs orders and degrades volatile organic compounds. Allows water by-pass, and is a food resource for beneficial microorganisms, which remediate by metabolizing wood preservatives, petroleum products. pesticides and both chlorinated and non chlorinated hydrocarbons in stormwater runoff from reaching water resources.
Prevents erosion and silting on embankments parallel to creeks, lakes, and rivers, prevents erosion and turf loss on roadsides, hillsides, playing fields, and golf courses.

- Utilizes our PowerBoost™ Mulch blend of shredded wood and compost to form a stable, long-lasting cover on open and disturbed soils
- Protects soils from rainfall impact
- Absorbs and retains large amount of water, delaying runoff
- Diffuses surface flows, preventing rills, gullies, and soil loss
- Can be applied on rocky or frozen soils

Product Variations
- Ingredient mix can be varied for specialized applications
- On slopes of varying steepness.
- Check dam & dikes
- Permanent & temporary erosion protection
- Vegetation & soil amendment

Site Application
- Stabilizes exposed soil in EarthBlanket™ application
- Used in FilterMitts™ and Filter™ Berms
- Mulches garden beds, trees, and other plantings to help retain soil moisture, buffer swings in soil temperature, build soil organic matter, suppress disease organisms