This compost product is a screened compost product, without the wood content of our other blends. It is intended for amending soil, topdressing, making compost tea and as a component in engineered or planting soils.

- High-quality, fully tested compost made in our own facility
- Natural, organic-certified, free of weed seeds, pathogens, and heavy metals
- Organic matter with a diversity of microorganisms to help build good soil structure and fertility
- Increases water-holding capacity of soils
- NOFA approves our compost for organic use and our composting facility was chosen for Farm Aid 2008

Product Variations
- Finely 1/2 inch screened product suitable for topdressing, potting mixes
- Coarser screened product suitable for soil incorporation, prescription soil mixes

Site Application
- Improve existing soils by incorporating into soil profile
- Topdressing lawns
- Covering seed to enhance germination and early growth
- Potting mixes
- Enhances prescription or engineered soils
- compost tea production