This application of FiberRootMulch™ & PowerBoost mulch ™ applied as a protective layer over open or disturbed soil where vegetation has been removed, is what we call EarthBlanket™. It immediately protects bare soil from the erosive effects of rain impact and erosive surface-water flows.

- Utilizes our FiberRootMulch™ & PowerBoost mulch ™ blend of shredded wood and compost to form a stable, long-lasting cover on open and disturbed soils
- Protects soils from rainfall impact
- Absorbs and retains large amount of water, delaying runoff
- Diffuses surface flows, preventing rills, gullies, and soil loss
- Can be applied on rocky or frozen soils

Product Variations
- Thickness can be varied during application to accommodate specific site needs

Site Application
- Stabilizes both flat areas and slopes of varying steepness
Suitable for both long- and short-term applications - Covers and stabilizes soil stock piles
- Improves soil quality
- Compatible with re-vegetation

Specifications & Drawings
- Click on below link to view / download documents